Thursday, July 29, 2021

the seven stars

In Te Maunga we have done Matariki activities. I learnt that you can’t use a diamond shaped kite to make it fly. It just went up when I threw it then it came down and hit me. One thing I liked was the poi. Some of them had different colours compared to the others. Someone stole mine so I couldn’t make mine but I was okay with it. I learnt there is more than one way to make a kite.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

look at my mesurement

 In Te Maunga we have been doing measurements so we can learn about weights, how to measure with hands, feet and books. I learnt how to weigh in grams. Now I learnt how many grams a pen is, six grams isn't that much and a counter was one gram. My favourite was weighing because after we weigh the book we could weigh anything. That was the fun part then we started learning about the pen and the paper and the other stuff I was talking about. I think I could work harder in math. I think I should have known about the paper. It is so light that you can carry it with your thumb.

my astronomy

 In Te Maunga we did astronomy, which is about the sun, stars and moon basically the galaxy. We had to do a poster and an explanation. We learnt what the sun and stars are made of. They are made out of hot white gas. One thing I learnt was that how many people have gone on the moon there are actually 12 people that have gone on it. My favourite was when we did the poster it looked cool with a fish talking. I think I need to get better at finding information from the text.